The characteristics and detailed analysis of the capacitance model of MOS field effect tube

Source: Time:2020-12-14

The characteristics and detailed analysis of the capacitance model of MOS field effect tube

The five capacitors in the MOS tube large-signal model (see Figure 1.3-1b)image.pngandimage.pngforimage.pngjunction barrier capacitance,image.pngimage.pngandimage.pngFor the gate capacitance, the distribution of these MOS capacitance models is shown in Figure 1.3-7a and b. The following two types are used to discuss their models.

1, pn junction potential will be capacitanceimage.pngandMOS电容模型


whereimage.pngis the junction capacitance per unit bottom area at zero bias voltage, AD is the area of the drain area of the MOSFET, AS is the area of the source area of the MOSFET, and m is the gradient factor of the bottom surface capacitance (generally takenimage.png),image.pngis the contact potential difference of the pn junction between the drain-source region and the substrate (usually 0.8 volts),image.pngis the junction capacitance per unit circumference at the zero bias voltage, PD is the circumference of the drain region, PS is the circumference of the source region, and mjsw is the gradient factor of the side capacitance (generally takenimage.png):CjandCjswis the model parameter to be determined.

2. Grid-view capacitanceimage.pngandMOS电容模型

Figure 1.3-7a and b respectively show the five capacitance distributions of the MOS tube and the cross-sectional structure of the MOS tube. In the figure, Is is the overlap length of the gate oxide layer and the source region, the MOS capacitance model, and ID is the gate oxide layer and the cross-sectional structure of the MOS tube. The overlap length of the drain region,image.pngis the gate-source overlap capacitance,image.pngis the gate-drain overlap capacitance, C2 is the gate oxide capacitance, and C4 is the gate-substrate capacitance.



When the MOSFET is in the off state, that is, the inversion layer channel between the drain and the source is not formed, the gate capacitance can be expressed as:


inMOS电容模型, C4 is larger at the end, soimage.png

When the MOSFET is in the linear region, an inversion layer channel is formed between the drain and the source, and a thicker depletion layer is formed between the channel and the substrate, forming a smaller depletion layer capacitance C4, at this time the gate capacitance Can be expressed as:


When the MOSFET is in the saturation region, the drain terminal is pinched off and the channel length is shortened. MOS capacitor model. Considering the channel charge distribution, it is equivalent to increasing CGS and decreasing CGD. At this time, the gate capacitance can be approximately expressed as:


The approximate values of the above-mentioned shed capacitors in different working areas can be shown in Figure 1.3-8.


The five capacitors of the MOS tube are discussed above. These capacitors determine the AC characteristics and transient characteristics of the MOS tube.

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